Anne Waldman

Anne Waldman

Es poeta, performer, curadora, activista y autora de más de 40 libros de poesía. Su libro más reciente es Trickster Feminism, publicado por Penguin en 2018. Es la recipiente de la beca Guggenheim y del premio American Book Award de la fundación Before Columbus por sus logros vitalicios. Fundadora y exdirectora de The Poetry Project, es también la fundadora junto a Allen Ginsberg de la escuela Jack Kerouak School of Dissembodied Poetics en la Universidad de Naropa, Colorado.

She is a poet, performer, professor, editor and cultural activist and co-founder with Allen Ginsberg of the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa University.  She is the author of over fifty books of poetry, including the book-length hybrid narrative poem Manatee/Humanity(Penguin Poets 2009), and the feminist epic The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment  (Coffee House 2011 which  was the winner of the 2012 PEN Center USA Award for Poetry. Recent books include  Sanctuary, 2020, Trickster Feminism (Penguin 2018) Gossamurmur, (Penguin Poets 2013), Jaguar Harmonics (Post-Apollo Press 2014) 


diSONARE 08 | 2019