Salomé Voegelin
Es investigadora y docente en arte sonoro para CRISAP, del London College of Communication, artista y escritora dedicada a la escucha y a la práctica del sonido como actos socio-políticos. Es autora de los libros Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art (2010) y Sonic Possible Words: Hearing the Continuum of Sound (2014).
He is a researcher and teacher in sound art for CRISAP at the London College of Communication, artist and writer devoted to listening and the practice of sound as a sociopolitical act. She is the author of Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Art (2010) y Sonic Possible Words: Hearing the Continuum of Sound (2014).
diSONARE 07 | 2018